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  • Writer's pictureDanial Sulehri

The Importance of Finding the Right Mentor

Young individuals entering the professional realm often encounter challenges in navigating their desired fields, primarily due to a lack of information and experience. A mentor, as defined by the Oxford Learner's Dictionary, is an experienced individual who guides and assists someone with less experience, aiming to foster the development of their mentee into a self-sufficient professional capable of mentoring others.

Mentorship Can Transform Your Career Trajectory:

A mentor is not just a guide; they are your staunch supporter, a source of encouragement, a provider of invaluable feedback, and a wellspring of wisdom and advice. This relationship has the potential to be a cornerstone in your life, wielding a substantial influence over your decisions and the overall trajectory of your professional journey.

Devoid of a mentor, you run the risk of overlooking crucial avenues for growth and development. The absence of this guiding figure may mean bypassing significant opportunities that could propel your career forward. The benefits that a mentorship offers are too substantial to be ignored.

Books as Mentors: A Timeless Connection

The relationship between books and readers is akin to a profound mentorship, where the written word serves as the guiding light. Books offer us the opportunity to step into the minds of great thinkers, explore their experiences, and learn from their triumphs and failures. They provide us with a unique lens through which to view the world, expanding our horizons and broadening our understanding of the human experience.

But How Do You Find A Mentor?

While finding a mentor may seem straightforward, selecting the ideal mentor for your career development can pose challenges. Janet T. Phan, a global technology consultant and the founder of Thriving Elements, suggests the following steps:

1) Ask for that first meeting:

Initiating the first meeting with a potential mentor can be intimidating, often stemming from fear of rejection. However, it's essential to recognize that individuals with valuable insights have likely benefited from mentorship themselves and appreciate t

he significance of such connections. Overcome this hesitation by sending a concise email expressing admiration, introducing yourself briefly, and explaining the purpose of reaching out. Conclude with a specific question to facilitate a smooth initiation of the mentorship conversation.

2) Build the relationship:

Effective mentorship relies on genuine interest from both parties. To cultivate this, establish a connection with your potential mentor in the first meeting. Keep the tone casual to avoid a strictly business manner. The focus should be on discovering shared interests before delving into professional topics midway through the meeting.

3) Follow up:

Follow up with your potential mentor about three to five weeks after the initial meeting, updating them on actions taken since your discussion—whether it's reading a recommended book, attending an event, or making adjustments to your resume. Subsequent meetings will help you determine if the mentorship is mutually beneficial. If both parties agree to continue, the ongoing challenge lies in sustaining and nurturing the mentor-mentee relationship.

4) Maintain the relationship:

Sustain your mentorship by actively nurturing the relationship. Demonstrate genuine appreciation for your mentor's guidance and keep them engaged in your career development. Regular updates on your progress ensure they see the impact of their investment, reinforcing the value of the time and assistance they provide.

5) Keep them updated:

Provide periodic updates on your progress. Avoid overwhelming them with constant communication; instead, opt for a thoughtful approach. A monthly update, delivered via text or email, is considered a best practice for sharing significant career developments.

6) Show Appreciation:

Don't overlook the importance of expressing gratitude. Thanking your mentor is crucial, as it reinforces your relationship and can lead to increased investment in your development. Seize every opportunity to show appreciation, as it not only acknowledges their contributions but also opens doors for future opportunities.


Mentorship is a valuable process that steers novices toward becoming seasoned professionals in their respective fields. It serves as a crucial avenue for young individuals to evolve into the accomplished experts they aspire to be. Consequently, it is recommended for young people to select mentors capable of facilitating their growth into the professionals they envision.

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